Parental Control

My aunt’s illness, and subsequent passing in December, made it painfully clear that it was time for my ninety-seven and ninety-eight year old grandparents to move into my parents’ home. Driving back and forth from Boynton Beach to Boca Raton to tend to their needs simply became too much for my mother to bear without her sister’s help. In addition, my grandparents’ declining health created unsafe situations that made continued independent-living in their own condominium impossible. 

For the most part, the transition has been successful. All involved parties have adjusted nicely with relatively few incidents. 

I, therefore, read with tremendous amusement an email that I received from my father today. I couldn’t resist sharing it and its unexpected lesson…

“Two months ago, I got my Xfinity TV bill and found a charge of several dollars for a movie. Examining the details, I saw that someone had watched the movie APACHE PASS at 10:34 AM on a Thursday. I called Xfinity and had them check into the item. Indeed, someone had ordered the movie, but apparently nobody had watched it. It seems that Xfinity has a timer that can tell how long the movie was watched. Since the timer showed ZERO, Xfinity had no problem in crediting my bill.

This month, I again received the TV bill and found an item in the amount of $21.95. The description of the item was an abbreviation, “DOC. STRA. Date/time.” The indication was that the item had been purchased. I immediately called Xfinity again and found that the item was the purchase of the movie “DR. STRANGE.” Now, since you all know me, you know that it is unlikely that either Mom or I would buy, much less rent, this movie…

After further investigation, it seems that a certain grandfather likes to watch TV in the morning and likes to play with the buttons on the new control for the X-1 TV box. Xfinity again examined their counters to see if this movie was ever watched. All the readings were ZERO.   

At the suggestion of Xfinity, a PARENTAL CONTROL password has now been established for all access to XFINITY ON DEMAND, so movies or costly TV programming cannot be accidentally [purchased].”

I sent this story to my kids. They were in hysterics. Who would have ever believed that PARENTAL CONTROL would be used to control one’s grandparents. Oy!!!!

Thanks for this week’s blog post, Dad. P. S. Hide the car keys!!!

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